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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ceylon Black Tea - Sri Lanka

The black tea of Sri Lanka, known around the globe as 'Ceylon black tea' or simply as 'Ceylon tea', is one of the most popular and most consumed types of exported tea. Most regard that the specialty of the black tea of Ceylon is the hint of the citrusy flavour much loved by its consumers.

             Many people who enjoy drinking tea the black tea of Ceylon knows that it is unique and this uniqueness has being brought about due to its taste and appearance which are not experienced in any other type of tea in the world.Additionally this particular type of tea is more popular than other tea types from around the world as Sri Lanka offers different tastes due to the varying altitudes and unique geographical locations the tea is grown in. Sri Lanka offers other types of tea but its most produced type of tea – the renowned Ceylon black tea, has captured the hearts of many a person in almost every region of the world.

Tea Board Sri Lanka - 

Ceylon Black Tea - Sri Lanka
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