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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gems - Sri Lanka

One of the oldest industries in Sri Lanka - the Gem industry - has made Sri Lanka a highly sought after country due to its numerous precious stones. From the ancient times of the kings of Sri Lanka to the modern era gems have captured the fascination of many people, both Sri Lankans as well as foreigners. A wide variety of gem stones are found in Sri Lanka and out of these the more popular types are the amethyst, quartz, ruby, sapphire, topaz, and tourmaline gems.

                Despite many regions in Sri Lanka are known to possess these precious gem stones the province of Sabaragamuwa, specifically the district of Ratnapura, is synonymous with the word ‘manik’ which is the local name for gems. In fact Sri Lanka was also known as ‘Ratnadeepaya’ in ancient times due to the huge quantities as well as the wide range of gems found in the country. This particular ancient name means "Land of Gems" and it was used to refer to Sri Lanka for centuries.

              When analysing the significance of the gem industry of Sri Lanka another fact can be considered – Sri Lanka has the highest density of gems in the whole world and this has aided to propel both local and international interest in the colourful gem industry of Sri Lanka. A substantial number of people, especially in the region of Ratnapura, are engaged in the gem trade and this has resulted in employment for numerous residents.

Gems - Sri Lanka
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